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Two Way Radios for Schools

Best Radios for Schools

Two-way radios can help direct traffic in busy parking lots, manage security in the classroom and at school events, respond to emergencies, or call maintenance staff.  The uses are almost endless. Never before has safety and security been more important. You need to have quick communication throughout your campus to ensure the safety and security of your students and staff.

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  Use the filters to highlight the radios best matching your needs.

Ritron RIB-700DMR RADIO-TO-INTERCOM BRIDGE DMR Digital only (does not do analog).Connect to existing PA system.Leverage existing radios.Create an added layer of security.The Ritron Radio-To-Intercom Bridge receiver is designed to interface to an existing wired Public Address Intercom system a..
FCC License for Public Schools (below 470MHz) Good for 10 years, perfect for organizations who don't use a repeater or base station. A Simplex License allows use of handheld and/or mobile radios within a 50 mile radius of a defined location (80 kilometer radius). Note: You must be a school within..
Showing 31 to 32 of 32 (3 Pages)