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Two Way Radios for Schools

Best Radios for Schools

Two-way radios can help direct traffic in busy parking lots, manage security in the classroom and at school events, respond to emergencies, or call maintenance staff.  The uses are almost endless. Never before has safety and security been more important. You need to have quick communication throughout your campus to ensure the safety and security of your students and staff.

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  Use the filters to highlight the radios best matching your needs.

Motorola CP100d Radio | Analog, No Display
Top Seller
Motorola CP100d Analog- Affordable & Easy 16 Channels, No Display2 Programmable Keys2 Programmable Keys 4 / 5 Watts (UHF / VHF) Voice AnnouncementAccessory Connector Type - MG Repeater Capable 2 Year Warranty Motorola CP100d At-A-Glance The CP100danalog radio has 16 chann..
Motorola CP100d Analog- Affordable & Easy 160 ChannelsUHFDisplay6 Programmable Keys 4 / 5 Watts (UHF / VHF) Voice AnnouncementAccessory Connector Type - MG Repeater Capable 2 Year Warranty Motorola CP100d At-A-Glance The CP100d analog radio has 160 channels, a display, an..
Motorola CP100d - MOTOTRBO Digital - Full Keypad Version160 ChannelsDisplayFull Keypad4 Programmable KeysEither VHF or UHFOperate in both analog and digital modes 4 / 5 Watts (UHF / VHF) Pre-programmed text messagingVoice AnnouncementAccessory Connector Type - MG Repeater Capable 2 Yea..
Motorola DLR1020 - 900MHz License-Free Radio License free communication! 2 ChannelsFor On-site Usage 1 Watt3 Alert TonesUltra Small Design 900MHz - Doesn't Require a LicenseDesigned for On-Site Usage (300,000 Sq. Ft. / 20 Floor) ¹ Rechargeable 14 Hour Lithium Battery Pack Included ..
Motorola DLR1060 - 900MHz License-Free Radio License free communication! 6 ChannelsFor On-site Usage 1 Watt3 Alert TonesUltra Small Design 900MHz - Doesn't Require a LicenseDesigned for On-Site Usage (300,000 Sq. Ft. / 20 Floor) ¹ Rechargeable 14 Hour Lithium Battery Pack Included ..
Motorola MOTOTRBO CM200d Two Way Radio - Analog, Easy-To-Use 16 Channels 2 Programmable Keys 25W or 40W (UHF), 25W or 45W (VHF) Analog Model Rugged Repeater Capable 2 Year Warranty Motorola CP200d At-A-Glance Motorola's most popular radio of all time, now with a digital m..
Motorola MOTOTRBO CM200d Two Way Radio - Digital, Easy-To-Use 16 Channels 2 Programmable Keys 25W or 40W (UHF), 25W or 45W (VHF) Dual modes; Analog & Digital Model Rugged Repeater Capable 2 Year Warranty Motorola CP200d At-A-Glance Motorola's most popular radio of all..
Motorola MOTOTRBO CM300d Mobile Radio | Analog Motorola MOTOTRBO CM300d Mobile Radio | Analog
Yes, it's in stock!
Motorola MOTOTRBO CM300d Two Way Radio - Analog, Easy-To-Use 99 Channels 4 Programmable KeysLarge Display 25W or 40W (UHF) 45W (VHF) Analog Model Voice Scrambler Repeater Capable 2 Year Warranty Motorola CP300d At-A-Glance Motorola's most popular radio of all time, now wi..
Motorola MOTOTRBO R2 - Easy-To-Use Replacement for the CP200d radio64 Channels 2 Programmable Keys 4 / 5 Watts (UHF / VHF) Analog or Digital ModelsHigh Capacity Battery Rugged Analog Scrambler Repeater Capable 1 Year Warranty Motorola R2 At-A-Glance Easy to use and rugged, th..
Motorola RMU2040 Radio | Motorola RM Series Motorola RMU2040 Radio | Motorola RM Series
Top Seller
Motorola RMU2040 Radio Compatibility with Kenwood NX-P1302AUK Radios4 Channels2 watts powerAnalog OnlyUHF Only99 Pre-stored Frequencies 2 Programmable Buttons Voice ScramblingVoice PromptsSimple User SetupEasy Cloning (cable or multi-charger required) 2 Year Warranty Motorola R..
Motorola RMU2080 Radio | Motorola RM Series Motorola RMU2080 Radio | Motorola RM Series
Top Seller
Motorola RMU2080 Radio Compatibility with Kenwood NX-P1302AUK Radios8 Channels2 watts powerAnalog OnlyUHF Only99 Pre-stored Frequencies 2 Programmable Buttons Voice ScramblingVoice PromptsWeather ChannelsNOAA Weather AlertsSimple User SetupEasy Cloning (cable or multi-charger required) ..
Motorola RMU2080d Radio | Motorola RM Series Motorola RMU2080d Radio | Motorola RM Series
Top Seller
Motorola RMU2080d Radio Compatibility with Kenwood NX-P1302AUK Radios8 ChannelsDsiplay2 watts powerAnalog OnlyUHF Only99 Pre-stored Frequencies 4 Programmable Buttons Voice ScramblingVoice PromptsWeather ChannelsNOAA Weather AlertsSimple User SetupEasy Cloning (cable or multi-charger required)..
Ritron LM-600Analog Loudmouth Wireless PA - UHF The LoudMouth wireless PA system is an ideal solution anywhere a hard-wired PA is either too expensive or impossible to install. Communicate with everyone . . . from plant-wide to local areas to multi-building campuses using your business band po..
Ritron LM-U450 Loudmouth Wireless PA - UHF The LoudMouth wireless PA system is an ideal solution anywhere a hard-wired PA is either too expensive or impossible to install. Communicate with everyone . . . from plant-wide to local areas to multi-building campuses using your business band portabl..
Ritron RIB-600 Analog RADIO-TO-INTERCOM BRIDGE Connect to existing PA system.Leverage existing radios & intercom system.Create an added layer of security.The Ritron Radio-To-Intercom Bridge receiver is designed to interface to an existing wired Public Address Intercom system and allow PA ..
Showing 16 to 30 of 32 (3 Pages)