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CE86 Vertex Standard Programming Software v3.05 - Download

CE86 Vertex Standard Programming Software
CE86 Vertex Standard Programming Software v3.05 - Download

Vertex Standard CE86 Programming Software for VX-351, VX-354 - Download Only

This software is designed to set frequencies and functions for the Vertex-Standard VX-351, and VX-354 radios.

To use this software, the following hardware and software are required:

  • PC with a USB Port.
  • Microsoft® Windows® 2000, XP, Microsoft® Windows Vista®, or Windows 7 installed on your PC.
  • Vertex-Standard accessories (Sold Separately): FIF-12A USB Interface and CT-106 Cloning Cable.

Note: Software downloads cannot be cancelled, exchanged, or returned for refund once the order has been processed.

Important: You must LOGIN to your account BEFORE you order this software. Once your order has been processed you can download your software using your account login.

Warning   Be advised, serious penalties and prosecution can result from unlicensed transmission on frequencies which require a license, and/or interference with public safety transmissions.

All Land Mobile radios (LMR) require an FCC license to operate.

Vertex Standard CE86 Programming Software for VX-351, VX-354

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CE86 Vertex Standard Programming Software v3.05 - Download