Q Codes
The "Q" code is a standardized collection of three-letter message encodings, also known as a brevity code, all of which start with the letter "Q". Q codes are commonly used in voice communications as shorthand nouns, verbs, and adjectives making up phrases. Q codes can be used to confer information, or when followed by a "?" used to ask a question.
Initially developed for commercial radio-telegraph communication, these codes were later adopted by other radio services, such as marine, aviation, and amateur radio.> The codes are broken down into 3 catagories for use in different radio services:
- QAA to QNZ For Aviation use.
- QOA to QQZ For the Maritime Services.
- QRA to QUZ Used in all radio services.
Q Codes QRA-QUZ - All Radio Services
QHF Going to the Hamfest QRA Name of your station QRB Distance from my station QRD Departing & destination Locations QRG Exact frequency QRH Is my frequency varying? QRI Transmission Tone QRJ Is my transmission poor? QRK Can you understand me? QRL Frequency is busy QRM Man-made interference QRN Natural interference, i.e. static QRO Increase power QRP Decrease power QRQ Speed up transmission QRR Ready for automatic operation QRS Slow down transmission QRT Stop sending QRU Have you anything for me? QRV Ready QRX Call again QRZ Called by ________. QSA Signal strength QSB Fading of signal QSD Keying is defective QSG # of messages sent at one time. QSJ International telegraph charge. QSK Break-in QSL Acknowledge receipt QSM Repeat last message QSN I heard you QSO A conversation QSP Relay message QSQ Doctor on board QST General call to all stations |
QSU Reply on this frequency QSV Series of Vs on this frequency QSW Send on this frequency QSX I am listening on ____ frequency QSY Change/shift frequency QSZ Send each word, or group X times. QTA Disregard message QTB Confirm word count QTC Traffic, # of messages QTE Location - true bearing (# of degrees) QTG 2 dashes, 10 seconds each, followed by my call sign QTH Location QTI Location - true track (# of degrees) QTJ Speed (km/h) QTL Location - true heading (# of degrees) QTN Departure time QTO Departure confirmation QTP Entering dock/port QTQ Communicate using International Code of Signals QTR Exact time QTS Send call sign so it can be measured QTU Hours of station operation QTV Monitor frequency QTX Keep station open QUA News of _______. QUB Information concerning conditions: visibility, clouds, wind QUC Number of last message received QUD Confirmation of urgency signal QUF Confirmation of distress signal QUG Forced landing QUH Current barometric pressure
For a list of Q Codes (QAA to QNZ) used in aviation see our Guide of Aviation Q Codes.